Rental services in Kongsberg Discovery
Our rental pool offers KONGSBERG equipment to key markets including offshore oil and gas, subsea and merchant marine.
There are many benefits to renting equipment, and it can often save you both time and money. Through our rental service you can rent for short- or long-term projects and have access to KONGSBERG's expertise and customer support. We will develop a solution that meets your specific requirements.
Key Benefits
- Rental is an attractive option as it helps to reduce overheads by avoiding capital investments
- Eliminates costs related to equipment maintenance and storage
- Removes the risk of owning obsolete equipment
- Increases operational efficiencies whilst still retaining access to the latest technologies
- Helps to supplement own equipment in support of larger projects
- Gives access to equipment at short notice
- Mitigates the risk of project and vessel downtime during equipment failures or when goods need to be returned for service
- An opportunity to try equipment without commitment to purchase – ‘try before you buy’.
Rental products
Equipment can be found listed below or you can download our rental catalogues to see exactly what we have to offer.
Underwater Positioning
- HiPAP Portable Acoustic Positioning Systems
- µPAP Compact Acoustic Positioning Systems
- ROV LBL Acoustic Positioning System
- Subsea Hydroacoustic Aided Inertial Navigation System
- APOS Survey Operator Station for HiPAP
- cNODE Micro/Mini/MiniS/Midi/Maxi Transponders
- cNODE Maxi/Midi Transponder Sensor Modules
- Transponder Test and Configuration Units
- Transponder Floatation Collars
Underwater mapping & INSPECTION
- Multibeam Echosounders
- Single Beam Echosounders
- Side Scan Sonar
- Scanning and Inspection Sonars
- Sub-Bottom Profilers
- Data Acquisition and Post-Processing Software
Vessel Reference & Positioning
- GNSS Positioning Systems
- Relative Positioning Systems & Transponders
- Laser Based Positioning System
- Position, Heading & Attitude Systems
- Motion Reference Units
- Motion and Gyrocompass
Oceanographic Measurement
- Sound velocity sensors
- Profilers
- Tide monitoring
Data Telemetry
- Acoustic Modems
- Radio Modems
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
- Hugin AUV
Uncrewed Surface Vehicles
- Sounder USV