“This agreement is important to be able to carry out the sale of the F-16 combat aircraft to Romania. The Norwegian F-16s are among the best maintained in the world, and central to this work has been the ongoing maintenance and upgrades that Kongsberg Aviation Maintenance Services deliver. I’m therefore confident that our aircraft will serve Romania well for years to come,” says Gro Jære, Director General of the Norwegian Defence Material Agency.
The F-16 combat aircraft will be returned to operating status and then maintained so that they are ready for service again. Kongsberg Aviation Maintenance Services has 40 years of experience in maintaining, repairing and upgrading Norway’s F-16 fleet.
Atle Wøllo, President at Kongsberg Aviation Maintenance Services & Gro Jære, Director General, Norwegian Defence Materiel Agency.
“This agreement confirms our position as a partner and supplier of maintenance services to the Norwegian defense sector and our allies. This agreement secures and further develops important national expertise in fighter aircraft maintenance in Norway, which in turn will be valuable for the support and maintenance of F-35 aircraft in the future,” says Atle Wøllo, President of Kongsberg Aviation Maintenance Services.